I've been playing games on Facebook and MySpace and a couple of other social network sites for several years and thought it was about time to start blogging about my experiences. It is my hope that this will also be a service to other social network gamers.
At this moment, I have tabs open for CityVille and FrontierVille on Facebook.
Currently, I am at level 60 on CityVille. This game seems to have a lot of "reload" and "has been enhanced" issues. I've been in the game for about 30 minutes and have had to reload 5-6 times. The bad part is that I have had to repeat some actions (collecting, stocking, etc) several times. Goodness knows I have other games I can check out while I give CityVille a rest for a few. My "heart/love" rating is 26, which is a measure of how much you help out in your friends' towns. Collections turn in: Suburbia x 1, High Society x 2, DownTown x 1, Just Desserts Collection x 1 (although I've got over 200 danish collectibles, so if anyone needs one...), Early Riser x 1, Forever Young x 1, Watering Hole x 1, French Cuisine x 1, Silver Screen x 1, Corn x 2, Wheat x 1, Carrot x 1, Cranberry x 1.
I'm at level 73 in FarmVille, growing daffodils, lilies and either aloe or strawberries for the daffodil lotion job at my spa. I ran a co-op job and then joined someone else's. I had to store the new year's barn in order to make room for the new buildable Valentine's Cupid's Castle. Got that to level 1, working on the first upgrade.
Cafe World - This is another Zynga game I stopped playing for a while due to it not loading for me. Now it loads ok, but it's been hard to get back into. On a lot of the missions where you have to send requests to friends for parts, etc, the pop-up window gives me an "uh-oh" message and I have missed completing the missions because of it. But I still plug along.
Puzzled Hearts - I like this one. You have heart cards to fill out and receive the hearts either from your friends or from a bonus pack daily. When a card is filled out, you get a puzzle piece, and the completed puzzles are gorgeous. I try to go back after requesting a heart by posting to my wall and catch all the folks respond via rtf.
Roman Taxi has been taken down temporarily for a major update.
Baking Life always has gone well for me, but has really blossomed in terms of upgrading ovens since I found the Baking Life Bonus Checker. Right now I'm working on croissants, raspberry cheesecake, doughnuts and lemon merinue pies to get them upgraded to level 3. I've started putting in double batch ovens, but have been temporarily stalled because the next one will cost over 1 million game coins. I am at level 60.
Frontierville - turned in Goat Collection. Working on the Trading Post, Barber Shop, and finishing up the New Year's missions.
My Vineyard - Level 43. Currently planting Portage grapes and collecting tapas for the shop.